Saturday 11 April 2015

Extracurricular Activities

Bored? Looking for a new challenge?

You can watch basketball, baseball, track, gymnastics, tennis, aerobics, volleyball, and weight lifting on ESPN, or you can get out and enjoy them by joining your school team. Not into team sports? There's  club, the debating team, chess club, student government, radio, newspaper, yearbook, environmental club, drama, choir, photography, Students Against Destructive Decisions, jazz band,more
So many choices can seem overwhelming, but getting involved in new activities with new people is a fun way to challenge yourself. Here are some basics and benefits of getting involved.

Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

So what's in it for you? You get to explore your physical, creative, social, political, and career interests with like-minded people. You'll find friends: Trying something different may bring you in contact with people you didn't know who share your interests and curiosity.
You can get involved with groups as a way to get support from other students with your background.A club or group also can be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people. 
Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, too: It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers you're well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities help with specific goals — if you want to teach language or get a bilingual job, being the president of the Spanish club shows the depth of your commitment.
The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall, wandering the hall, or napping all afternoon. People who are involved and engaged are less likely to become addicted to bad habits, like smoking or drinking.

Each Eye May See Yet Not Observe

Observation skills are something that everyone has, but it doesn’t mean that everyone has mastered the use of their observation skills. Many people require a little bit of training to improve their observations skills. Businesses covet people with excellent observations skills – people with excellent observations skills improve the functionality of the office and can make the work environment a place that is more proficient and efficient.

Having excellent observation skills includes myriad benefits. One of the primary benefits of possessing good observation skills is, of course, found in the fact that it increases one’s employability. Next, good observation skills increase one’s awareness and an increase in awareness improves one’s quality of living. Life is fully experienced, not haphazardly experienced and when someone has good observation skills every moment counts.
Fully observing a situation involves one’s full attention. The individual must be able to listen as well as see what is going on around them. There are a number of methods for improving one’s observation skills and with practice, people can begin to really experience life and become keen observers.
So What is Observation?

While the word observation may at first seem self explanatory, in truth there are various degrees of observation. A person may observe their surroundings on a daily basis and never truly observe it. In other words – there is a big difference between basic observation and intense observation. Intense, deliberate observation is when and individual purposefully engages and interacts with his or her environment, drinking in every moment as it evolves.
       In contrast, there is a state, commonly referred to as automatic pilot, where an individual can fully function but not fully experience. When an individual is undergoing automatic pilot, they are not fully paying attention to everything around them. Sometimes people enter into an automatic pilot state when they are driving a vehicle – it is not uncommon for individuals to daydream as they drive (a dangerous practice indeed!). The point of keen, intense observation is to forego the automatic pilot feature that so many people rely on and to purposefully look at the world in a new way.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Excellent Observations
meditation may seem like a practice that has nothing to do with observation. In truth, meditation helps people to clear the mind, to relax and to leave behind mental obstructions that may otherwise hinder observation skills. Meditation is simple – an individual can sit in a room listening to relaxing music and simply practice clearing his or her mind of random invading thoughts. Over time the practice of meditation becomes easier and soon the individual will find it to be second nature. Meditation is something that can be conducted any time of the day or night but when the practice is first commenced, it is a good idea to do it the same time every day.
Eating Properly
: a healthy diet goes a long way in terms of observation. Some foods like starches and sugars in excess can cause the mind to feel fuzzy – to be observant one’s senses and mind must be sharp. Thus, a careful diet of healthy foods can serve as an excellent way to enhance observation skills.
It’s important that people have the right balance of vitamins and minerals in their body at all times. A lack of iron for example, can cause fatigue and severe fatigue or chronic fatigue has a detrimental effect on observation skills. A visit to a physician and a consultation can indicate what kind of vitamins one may need to feel their healthiest.

Primary Benefits
• Protects young bodies with the antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E,
beta-carotene, lycopene, resveratrol, lutein, zeaxanthin, selenium,
and copper.*
• Supports healthy bones by providing calcium and other nutrients
necessary for strong, healthy bones.*
• Promotes healthy immune function.*
• Provides key vitamins and minerals important for young growing
• Includes 90 tablets in every bottle, making it easy to deliver
optimal nutrition to every child at every stage of development.

Having enough water to drink on a daily basis cannot be overrated. Dehydration can affect the sharpness of one’s senses and can diminish the quality of observation skills.

The body should be exercised regularly so that it is in peak performance. If an individual doesn’t feel healthy, their mind won’t feel sharp and it can have a baneful affect on one’s observation skills. Exercise not only helps to keep the body fit, but it helps the body in ridding itself of toxins – toxins that can reduce one’s ability to work and function at top performance.

Practice Makes Perfect
It may take some practice to get observation skills working at their best. Sometimes it helps to use a picture and to note everything that is seen in the image to get observation skills working. Every object, color, and item should be described in great length and the description can be written down on paper. Practicing with photos or pictures, especially with pictures that have a lot of imagery can help to improve observation skills. Collages work excellent for the latter exercise and the practice can be done just about anywhere at anytime that is convenient.
Another way to practice using observation skills can be conducted while watching a film or watching television. When watching a show or movie the individual can study the background images to see what they notice along with what’s going on in the film. In fact, sometimes the background has some interesting symbolism that is often overlooked! Other people make a practice of looking for errors in the continuity of a film or looking for film errors in general – this too, can enhance observation skills.
Experiencing nature is an effective way to enhance observation skills. When attempting to improve observation skills, a person can go for a walk or hike, bring along a notebook or journal and document the landscape and scenery. The key is to pay attention to the smallest details including what is seen with the eyes, what is heard, what is smelled, what is touched, and what is felt emotionally.

Improving Observation Skills and Patience
Improving observations skills requires diligence and patience. Improvements will not occur overnight – people need to train themselves to really listen, to really see, to really feel and to sense what is going on around them. Being patient is part of being observant – being able to settle down and watch something and to absorb the images, feelings and sensations takes time. The reason why many people have poor observation skills is that they are impatient or they are in a rush to make it through the day!

Observation Skills and Benefits
The benefits of having good observation skills are many:
  1. Improved Employment Options
      • Better observation skills means better jobs for many individuals.
  2. Improved Life Experiences
      • Life experiences are more intensified for the aware individual and a life is therefore more fulfilling.
  3. Improved Communication
      • Clarity of thought equates to better communication in any situation.
  4. Thought Clarity
      • Having a clear head can make life less stressful.
  5. Improved Mathematical Understanding
      • Clear thoughts minimize distractions and improve analytical thinking.
  6. Improved Reading Comprehension
      • Better observation skills means that the individual absorbs more through the act of reading – more absorption means more assimilation of knowledge.
  7. Lifestyle improvements lead to feelings of well being
  8. Feelings of well being lead the individual to maintain the status as a productive member of society
      • Self confidence improvement
      • Self awareness improves
      • Self image improves
      • Social interactions improve
      • Familial benefits – a happier individual means more pleasing interactions with the family.
  9. Improvements in observational learning endeavors
  10. People with excellent observation skills are people that become excellent problem solvers
  11. Being able to see a situation completely allows for innovate thinking and positive solutions
  12. People with excellent observation skills are strong leaders
  13. Faster on the job training

Sunday 1 February 2015

Need & Benefits

Scenario in India
  •12,000+ students commit suicides in India every year due to exam related stress… Parental and peer pressure are prime causes for such high number of suicides...
Chosen wrong career in life and complaining that you never got the chance to be there where you want to be.
After  getting married for so long still people are not  happy with life and giving up their marriages.

Need of DMI Test for Children ?

¨Reduce time, money, effort  wasted over irrelevant  courses & classes

¨Improve relationship between parents and children

¨Develop children’s confidence

¨A stress-free childhood for children

Benefits  of DMI Test for Children/Students
¨Identify best learning style for him/her 
¨Identify his/her inborn talents and weaknesses
¨Tailor-make your child’s learning programs
¨Subject and educational stream selection 

Need of DMI Test for Individuals ?
¨Rekindle your passion for living and revive dreams from the past
¨Invest wisely in suitable self-development programmes
¨Assess your EQ, IQ, AQ, CQ
¨Plan ahead to achieve your goals and live your dreams
Benefits  of DMI Test for Individuals
¨Discover your own abilities and choose right career path.
¨Identify and develop your core competencies.
¨Identify the most suitable learning and leadership styles.
¨Improve your relationship with your loved one.

Need of DMI Test for Corporate ?
¨Create an all-star workforce
¨HR training and development
¨Reorganize your workforce for better performance
¨Evaluate your managers’ performances and core competencies
Benefits  of DMI Test for Corporate
¨Find the right person for the right job.
¨Pre-employment screening.
¨Entrust your employee who has the most potential.
¨Discover employees’ potentials, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.

3 Learning Styles

We constantly grasp information since our childhood, but do you know that there could be particular learning styles that help us absorb more? These learning styles are based on our inclination to receive the information in a specific mode. There had been many theories on learning styles but the most popular one is of Neil Flemming. He said that there are three ways by which we receive information and our brain shows a preference towards these.
He classified these three learning styles as –
a. Auditory Learning Style
b. Visual Learning Style
c. Kinesthetic Learning Style 
We learn by all methods but different people tend to show different preferences. Based on one’s inclination these there styles may be categorized as primary, secondary and tertiary styles for a particular individual.
If inputs will be given to these individuals, specially children, on the basis of the above then they will tend to learn, memorize and retain more. This will be beneficial in the golden formative years of the children. 

DMIT/ DMIA Visual Learning StylesThe theory is widely known as VAK theory. Visual learners learn more when they are exposed to visual inputs. They learn by seeing and watching. Auditory learners respond to verbal communication. They learn and absorb by listening to instructions. They form the sounds of words and other information in their mind. Kinesthetic learners are action oriented and they do and perform activities to understand and remember subjects.
DMIT/ DMIA Auditory Learning StylesThis concept has lot of applicative potential. Its gaining momentum and we will be partnering with play-schools and primary schools to implement it in classroom learning. This will help children learn fast and it will ease stress in them as they will not be unnecessarily under pressure to study in a way that’s not their preferred style of learning.

Types of Intelligence

Eight Kinds of Intelligence

1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

The ability to read, write, and communicate with words
The ability to use language to express one’s thoughts and to understand other people orally or in writing
They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and discussion and debate.
This intelligence is high in writers, lawyers, philosophers, journalists, politicians and teachers.

2. Visual-Spatial Intelligence

The ability to think in pictures and visualize future results
The ability to imagine things in your mind’s eye
The ability to perceive spatial information
Those with strong spatial intelligence are often proficient at solving puzzles. This intelligence is high in artists, photographers, pilots, painters and architects.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

The ability to reason and calculate
Enables individuals to use and appreciate abstract relations
The ability to manipulate numbers, quantities, operations, etc.
Many scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists function in this level of intelligence.

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Allows individuals to use all or part of one’s body to create products, solve problems, or present ideas and emotions.
Using the body in highly differentiated ways for expressive, recreational, or goal directed purposes
People who have this intelligence usually enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are good at building and making things.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include athletes, dancers, actors, surgeons, builders and soldiers.

5. Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence

The ability to create, communicate, and understand meanings made out of sound, the ability to compose music, to sing, and to keep rhythm & the ability to hear music, tones, and larger musical patterns.
Since there is a strong auditory component to this intelligence, they learn best via lecture. They will often use songs or rhythms to learn and memorize information, and may work best with music playing in the background.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include instrumentalists, singers, disc-jockeys, and composers.

6. Naturalistic Intelligence

Allows one to distinguish among, classify, and use features of the environment
The ability to discriminate among living things and to see patterns in the natural world
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include wild Life Photographer, naturalists, conservationists, gardeners and farmers.

7. Inter Personal Intelligence

Enables individuals to recognize and make distinctions among others’ feelings and intentions
The ability to work effectively with others and display empathy
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers.

8. Intra Personal Intelligence

The ability to distinguish among an individual’s own feelings, to accurate mental models of themselves, and use them to make decisions about life.
The capacity to know one’s self, Careers which suit those with this intelligence include philosophers, psychologists, theologians, writers and scientists.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Dermatoglyphics Parents to Understand

Nowadays, parents are willing to spend lots to send their children to many classes regardless they are talented or interested on it. eg. singing, drawing ,music ,dance, maths,science,hobby classes etc... This is a high cost action and it also bring much stress to the children. Yet, who knows that they can absorb as what they have been input? This is the question need to be answered. However, here's a better way to get the best solution for this question.

How to discover your talents?

Unfortunately, most of us have a little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around us. Instead, guided by our parents, teachers and managers or influenced by media, peers and friends, we become numbed and blinded thus practice our weaknesses and spend our lives in mediocrity, while our strengths lie dormant and neglected. And the vicious cycle is kept on going as we use the similar ways to raise our next generation.

We all have talents. No one has all talents. With Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligent Test (DMIT), a revolutionary system to help an individual to identify their talents, to build them into strengths, and to enjoy the constituent, as well as to fulfill the ultimate need of self-actualization. DMIT is a system that identifies the most prevalent human intrinsic potential with the theory of human genetic inheritance. Through decades of research, scientists found out that our fingerprints implicit the simultaneousness of the development between our fingerprints and human brains neocortex.

The system introduces 4 dominant Personality Types, 5 Learning Styles, 8 Intelligences, 10 Intrinsic Potential of Brain and Learning Sensitivity Index. With thousands of possible combinations, it reveals the best way to be translated into education, personal and career success.

In developing this system, Dermatoglyphics Experts have conducted psychological and physiological pattern profiles with more than 500 thousand individuals since 1985 across China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia to generate a database for cross comparison study which can helps individual to learn the way to discover their inner potential.

What make this study works? 

As we known, our left hand represents our right brain and right hand represents our left brain.
Here's the same theory has been applied on this system and importantly, this is scientifically proven. Here's some diagram to show the structure of the brain and its' functions.



 Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science in the study of the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. Its reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns are formed from the external ectoderm and usually occur during the fetal development stage, The humans fingerprints form are thus formed from the 13th to 21st week.

Medical experts and scientists thus discovered that the amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person’s multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality.

Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming our lives through a holistic education approaches.

Dermatoglyphics features 

Uniqueness : There are no two identical fingerprints. One’s 10 fingers are not the same . dermatoglyphics style, striae height, density, quantity and location of the point is not the same for everyone. No individual has ever displayed the same fingerprint from another digit even if taken from the same hand.
Invariance : The raised pattern network of lifetime from birth to death will not change even if it is due to the regeneration of the labor dermatoglyphics style, quantity and profile shape which is determined the same later.
Hereditary : According to science statistics, immediate family members will be more or less the same between the striae. Normal human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. If the chromosomes of the tree or structure are changed, it will cause the corresponding striae mutation. Therefore, the striae have inherited the mutation.

When the fetus is in the mother’s womb, the life area of the fetus’ brain is developed. From 0-3 years old, the emotional area develops rapidly. Between 4-8 years old, the thought function/area is developed. Whereas, between 9-16 years old the mental/spiritual part gradually matures. Hence, after 17 years, “want” and “do not want” become the brain’s main model of operation.

The human brain is like a computer, 0-3 is equivalent to the hardware phase, 4-8-year-old is equivalent to the software phase, and above 9 years old is equivalent to the operational phase, namely practice using the computer.